Future Focused Balanced Portfolio

This portfolio is designed to provide a long-term capital return in excess of the IMA 40-85% Equities Retail Sector with an additional objective to invest into funds with a focus on strong social, environmental or governance principles.

This objective is achieved by firstly screening funds to ensure that they meet our ethical criteria. We screen out funds with involvement in a wide range of social and ethical issues and include funds that make a positive contribution. We then use a balanced approach to the selection of investment assets, primarily focusing on equities and bonds.

The performance of all the funds in your portfolio is constantly monitored and formally reviewed on a quarterly basis by our investment committee.

Click here to download the latest factsheet


Other Future Focused portfolios types:

Future Focused Cautious

This portfolio is suitable for the lower risk investors who are keen to invest ethically. This portfolio invests in a mix of fixed interest and equity to generate a return balanced between the two types of asset.

Future Focused Cautious

Future Focused Growth

This portfolio is suitable for those clients who are willing to accept higher short-term volatility in exchange for the potential of greater returns over the longer term. The portfolio invests into a broad range of geographic regions and asset classes to tap into the most profitable areas of the global economy.

Future Focused Growth